
abogadas lancelot en los medios

Our Law Office, as a specialist in Family Law, was invited to talk about divorce on the radio station SER Lanzarote. Here we leave you the interview of our Lawyer Alicia with the journalist Demelza Viña, follow the link

DIARIO ARA, leading newspaper in Catalonia, publishes an interview to our Lawyer Alicia Martín about divorces in the Canary Islands (in comparison with Catalonia), according to our professional experience as specialists in Family Law. Journalist Mr. Cesc Maideu.

One more week you have been able to listen to one of our lawyers on CRÓNICAS RADIO commenting on legal news, a programme directed by Chalo Frías and Laura San José.

If you want to be informed about the legal field, in a fun way, listen to our Lawyer every week on CRÓNICAS RADIO, with Chalo Frías and Laura San José.

Lawyer Alicia Martín comments on the most important legal news in the CRÓNICAS RADIO programme, together with Chalo Frías and Laura San José.

Our lawyer is a guest on the programme of COPE Lanzarote, directed by Leandro Martín, commenting on the latest news in the legal field.

Our Lawyer collaborates with Estudio 21 Radio explaining all the legal news. We highlight the Spanish Supreme Court judgement confirming the right of sex workers to have a trade union, among other news 

The distinguished national legal media Noticias Jurídicas publishes the important judgement obtained by this Law Office, where the nullity of the IRPH is upheld after the last pronouncement of the Spanish Supreme Court.

Diario La Ley, another renowned national specialised media, includes in its publication our Judgment on the IRPH, where we managed to obtain the nullity of the same after the pronouncement of the Spanish Supreme Court last October.

The Lancelot Magazine, in its printed edition (page 36), with a circulation of 12.000 copies on the island, publishes the "Interview of the day", an interview with our Lawyer Alicia Martín, on the occasion of her last judicial success on the nullity of the IRPH.