Those affected by the volcano on La Palma, who have insurance that covers the damage and are up to date with payments, can apply for this aid from the Insurance Compensation Consortium by calling the free telephone number 900 222 665 to provide details of the insured, the damaged property and the insurance policy taken out, or on the Consortium's website.

Insurers such as Axa, Allianz Catalana Occidente, Mapfre and Santalucía, among others, have set up free 900 lines to attend to their policyholders' queries and help them in processing their claim with the Consortium.

It is important to remember that the real value will not be taken into account, the value stated in the policy will be taken into account.

For those who have not taken out insurance, they will have to wait for government assistance.

With the tragedy on La Palma, there is once again a call for a government department to speed up the processing of disaster aid. Read more

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Volcan La Palma