Because it protects your possessions, protects the people closest to you and fulfils your wishes; we explain the most common wills in Spain.

Closed wills: these wills are made in writing, either handwritten or computerised. If it is handwritten, the signature must be included at the end of the document, while if it is made by computer, the signature must be included on each page of the will. Closed wills are placed in a sealed envelope and handed to a notary.

Open: Open wills are executed before a notary, who must keep the originals. Special open wills, made when there is a danger of death or epidemic, are made in front of three to five witnesses.

Holographic wills: a document drawn up in the testator's own handwriting. In order to be valid, these wills must contain the signature, the place and date in which it is granted, as well as the will in writing. They may only be drawn up by persons of legal age. Read more.

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